How to Fight Seasonal Depression Disorder
With the change of seasons comes a new set of challenges, including seasonal affective disorder. This condition is characterized by a depressed mood that develops during fall and winter months, but disappears in springtime. The term "seasonal depression" is misleading because it may not be tied to any season; instead, researchers believe it's caused by changes in light exposure throughout the year. SAD affects 3% of adults in the United States—and it can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender! Luckily there are ways to manage this type of depression so you can enjoy every day of winter without being weighed down by your sadness.
Make the most of daylight hours.
When it comes to fighting the winter blues, there's nothing better than getting outside in the daylight. Getting some natural sunlight can do wonders for your mood and energy levels. So, if you want to beat SAD, try these strategies:
Make sure to get as much natural sun exposure as possible during the day (ideally around noon).
If you can't go outside during the day, then avoid artificial light at night before bedtime (like watching TV or looking at screens on your phone).
SPF isn't just for summertime.
You know the importance of wearing sunscreen in the summer, but you may not realize that it's just as important to wear it in the winter. The sun’s rays are equally harmful throughout the year and can cause significant damage to your skin if you do not protect yourself from them.
To ensure that your skin is prepared for winter, follow these steps:
Choose a good SPF (30 or higher), which will help prevent sunburns and reduce your risk of developing skin cancer later on in life. If you have sensitive skin or acne-prone areas, look for an SPF that has been designed for those conditions specifically; this type tends to be less irritating than regular ones because they contain fewer chemicals and active ingredients (which usually makes them more expensive).
Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors so it has time to soak into your skin fully before being exposed directly by sunlight; this way its effects will last longer even when exposed directly by sunlight through windows or other reflective surfaces like snow or sand dunes where there isn't enough shade coverage yet!
. Remember: Always re-apply every two hours because whatever protection was given during initial application tends not last very long at all when exposed directly by sunlight through windows or other reflective surfaces like snow or sand dunes where there isn't enough shade coverage yet!
Get some exercise.
If you're feeling down, exercise can be one of the best ways to get yourself out of it. Exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and increase energy levels. It can also help you sleep better at night and reduce your appetite if you're feeling like eating less food is going to help manage your depression symptoms. Finally, exercise can also help with reducing anxiety in people who are prone to it or who have struggled with it in the past.
While there are many different types of exercises that could work for someone suffering from SAD (or any other form of depression), the list below contains some general recommendations:
Keep a journal - many people find that simply writing down their thoughts helps them feel more relaxed and less stressed out
Learn how to meditate - meditation is another great tool for relaxing when you're struggling with depression symptoms
Eat healthy food.
Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet can help you achieve a state of mental clarity. Eating a nutritious breakfast is vital for staying energized throughout the day. To keep your body well-fed, try to eat three meals and two snacks per day. A good rule of thumb is to eat about every four hours if you are feeling hungry between meals. Additionally, remember that it's important to consume fiber-rich foods (these include vegetables) and avoid sugary ones in order to maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress on your body—both factors that contribute to depression symptoms like fatigue or irritability.
Try light therapy.
Light therapy is a safe and effective way to treat SAD. It's a form of exposure therapy, which means that it exposes you to small amounts of light at regular intervals. You'll know if you're getting the right amount when your symptoms go away or diminish significantly.
The key is to get as much natural sunlight as possible during the day, but also try to use a lamp at night if you don't get enough natural light during the day. The specific type of light isn't important; just make sure it has an intensity of 10,000 lux (or more) and remains on for 30 minutes per session each day.
SAD isnt something to be embarrassed about or suffer in silence with, and it cannot be cured with willpower alone.
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that's associated with the change in seasons. Here are some things you can do to help yourself or someone else who has SAD:
Get outside and exercise. You might find that being outdoors helps you feel better. Try walking, running, or biking in the fresh air for 30 minutes each day during the daylight hours.
Eat healthy foods that contain a lot of iron, such as leafy greens and beans. These foods will give you more energy and keep your mood up during winter months when there are fewer hours of natural light available each day.
We hope this article has helped you understand what SAD is, how to recognise it and have some ideas for dealing with it. We know that if you're struggling with SAD or any other mental health issue then it can feel like a lonely and confusing place. But we want to assure you that there are people out there who care about what happens to you and want to help. So please don't be afraid of seek out help from us! Contact us today